Thursday, September 25, 2008

On WIth the Show, This is it

So, Monday night, I went to my first sort of, movie premiere, in the form of my boy Z, AKA, Issac Bright, AKA, The Verbal Warrior, unveiling, or should I say, unLEASHING his new one man show on the unsuspecting masses. While there weren't flood lights bounding through the skies of Hollywood, or papparazzi, or a red carpet, it was nonetheless, kind of neat, seeing my boys' name up on the marquee. Z was shrewd enough to rent out this really cool theater around the corner from me on Fairfax. I'd driven by it countless times. It regularly shows old silent movies, and seems to have a decent sized regualr clientele for their Charlie Chaplin and Lilian Gish flicks.

Anyway, so Bubba and I get there right on time, and make our way inside. The theater looked like it held maybe 100-120 people, and included plush chairs, complete with small throw pillows on each one, as well as two rows up front of leather couches for proper, living room style lounging. So much so that this one jackass apparently really did think he was at home, as he fired up cigarette after cigarette. Maybe it was a less than subtle homage to Max Cady in "Cape Fear," minus the raucous, obnoxious laughter?

Before the show started, I mingled with some good folks I knew, ALL of whom were East Coast transplants. It seems true what they say, that no one in L.A. is actually FROM L.A. I got to see three different people, none of whom I'd seen in probably 10 years. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

I'll refrain from an actual movie review, leaving that to the good folks at Variety and such. Suffice to say, the performance was "different" and "unusual." Put that on the poster.

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